I think I am currently in the transition period where God is moulding my character. Being the chair person I learned to trust in God and stand firm against any persecutions. But being a newly stepped-down ex-chair person I feel it is a totally new story about learning about God and myself.
A friend asked 'How can you always be running strong in your walk with God? Don't you have times when you are low?'
Of course I do have. But what is the benefit of always complaining and dwelling in the negative emotions and allow that to eat you away bit by bit? I'd rather fight against the devil and my own sinful nature when I am low, I hate to dwell in the pit and pity myself. How can you lead and exhort others if you don't stand strong? That's what I've learned while I was the chair person, to run back to God within the split second, so quickly that as if nothing had happened.
A preacher said,'It is ok to fall asleep, but morning always comes after midnight. Do you get up early or still stay in bed?', this has become my principle.
A few ppl asked ,'Don't you feel lost because now the power and authority is no longer in your hand?' ...That's a very foolish question to begin with. It sounded like satan when he asked Eve 'Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?'
It takes humility to fade off and let the new generation move on, and to see them demolish or modify the work that I have done. Sometimes I feel bitter,but I know it is for the building of God's kingdom.
Therefore I said this has been another season of my life where God continues to reveal my ugliness and mould my character. Everyday He passes me an oversized mirror , and guess what, His mirror is the truth-exposing mirror, nothing can hide from it. Sometimes I see spinach between my teeth even after I brush them, sometimes I see new pimple (just an illustration). Who will like to see the real self being exposed? If this magic mirror was hung in the boutique, all men and women would not dare to look into it nor walk pass it.
I like this season, I like this mirror because it does more than just exposing my true self, most importantly it is therapeutic.