Saturday, October 28, 2006

My week (1)

I had some challenges in the past one week, one of them was the hospital work which I was obviously not being used to, it indeed demands a lot of physical energy and stability. I am sure in coming days I will get used to it.

And because I was constantly tired, spending time with God has become a challenge to me. I failed to wake up early as usual to pray, and I fell asleep as I studied the Word. I was determined to pray during my 45 mins of driving back and forth the hospital (45mins x 2 ways) but I only found myself dozing off a few times while driving...There were times I had to scream to wake myself up.

Today I took a day off work and spent the whole afternoon by myself in my favourite cafe. I felt so spoilt when I sat at a quiet corner, sipping my favourite Mocha and reading my favourite book. I used to do this once a week before I became busy in OCF.

When I became still, I began to hear God's whisper again. It was like a fresh spring that drains my dry heart, splsssssshhhhhhhhh....I am very very thirsty for God to reveal as much to me as He used to do. Perhaps I should also say, God constantly reveals to me, but I've not been receiving as much as I used to because of my blocked mental state :)

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