Thursday, March 13, 2008


This is real. ( And, in retrospect, I am seriously very amused by my life stories , I feel like a clown :))

This afternoon I received an email from the immigration department of Australia saying that I am currently not covered by any visa, and they would not grant me a bridging visa because I lodged my visa application offshore (I did that while I was in Malaysia, 2 months ago).

By the way, my previous visa expired a week ago, but I DID notify them about this earlier on and received no response from them.

Now they are telling me that they have not received my medical examination reports, resulting in the delay of processing the visa; and blaming me for not notifying them about the expiry of it.
And they will charge me with something called 'unlawful and xxxxx' (see, I can't even remember the whole title of the charge )

Clearly this is NOT true. I have done everything that was required, and wasted my 2 months for nothing.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, the only thing they can do is to give me a bridging visa that only allows me to stay in Australia for 28 days. And in this 28 days I will have to justify my purpose of living in Australia (that involves a lot of paperwork again), they will decide whether to grant me the real visa or not.

The worst case senario will be I might have to depart from Australia. Not sure if they will give me a visa to come back. And because of this , there will certainly be a delay in PR application and I might again miss the application for surgical training next year.

What a mess. I am an illegal immigrant!

But I AM NOT worried or upset about this for I am very certain that my future is in God's hand. God is in control of everything. If there is a delay of going on the surgical path for a purpose, then let there be a delay.

It might be an attack/distraction from the enemy, it might even be a test from God, or a process that God wanna bring me through to strengthen me and teach me something valuable. Just the other day I became so convicted about living my life to worship Him, and the reversal happened today.

Will my world crumble? No!
Will I still trust in God and love Him? Definitely!
Will I still be filled with joy and peace? Oh yes :)

What can strike down the Mighty Mouse? :) If God is for me, who is against me...even if I will have to leave Australia, I will still praise Him.

So today as I had to rush off from my work place for the immigration, my colleague asked why I was still laughing? If it was him, he would be jumping up and down.

Yea, I am a clown :) And I am more amused myself than feeling annoyed.

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

wow siew wai, u sure encounter lotsa challenging part after since u went back aussie. well, mighty mouse shall not fall. takecare my friend.god bless u.

Prissy said...

Mum, it seems that we have encountered quite some problems since the beginning of this year.. Will pray for u ya..

Luv N Hugz..

siew wai said...

ks: hey thanks ! :) i think will be alright. u are such a good friend.

ehhhhhhh thank uuuuuuuuuuuu :) i wanted to tell u this but have not had a chance. thanks for praying for me, much needed :) hopefully nothing else will happen to our household :P

Anonymous said...

APE?!! pendatang haram?!! don worry... leave everything to God =)..::liwen::..

siew wai said...
