Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A joy to look at


Who ? I guess... the answer is : babies.

Those cute lil things, while they are still a few months old.

I asked my friend Florence, one of the parents , what does it feel to have a newborn?

She said ' Gianna (the baby girl) is a real joy to me.'

I can't possibly understand it now, and not sure if I will ever capture the joy that every parent has. My friend is already a mom at my age (and I am not very young)... Why do I feel marriage and having kids is never my priority? Maybe I am just not cut for that :)

Ok. My heart was touched at the baby dedication ceremony yesterday. Everything was good; baby Gianna and other babies are gorgeous; I was happy because I was again holding my camera :)


Anonymous said...

Omg, I never thought I will find another person who thinks this way!

I have accepted the fact that I might never experience the 'joy' of marriage or having a baby.

I am just not cut out for that, and I have given up telling everybody about my choice when they turn around and say something like "Oh, you're still young, you'll change your mind soon enough!"

Well, maybe, maybe not.

siew wai said...

:) Well, maybe, maybe not. Neither am I definitely sure what I want in terms of relationship and family.

But I know what you were saying and I think the same. Well, we shall see :)

Anonymous said...

OH YES YES YES..i am enjoyin myself.

and of course, i love babies.

p/s did u get my packages?

see you soon housemate!