Sunday, August 13, 2006

some thoughts about wisdom n foolishness

1Corinthians, chapter 1 says:

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."

20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,
24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

I stumbled upon one of my friend's friend's blog. I do not know that person, but interestingly I spent an hour reading all the entries of his blog.

It is very mind blowing and puzzling to see how someone blesphemes against God. I have concluded in my own foolish opinion why some ppl will do this. I myself was one of them who acted in such a manner.

1) everyone has experienced the goodness of God, just that some do not know or refuse to admit all good things come from God.
2) they have limited amount of knowledge about God thus they choose to view God with a tunnel view.
3) they trust in human wisdom and strength.
4) they are disgusted by the notion of ' Jesus is the ONLY way to God'. many think that all paths lead to the same God, others think there are more than one god.

etc etc etc

I can list many many more. But I will conclude that there is only one thing that leads to this unbelief. It is PRIDE, and i believe pride is the root of all sin. I don't intend to waste my time in any debate.

Just feel very burdened to say, in my opinion, UNBELIEF is not just that you don't believe in certain things about God even though you agree there is a god. Unbelief is you DON'T believe in God at all. In the bible, things are only 'black or white', 'wrong or right', 'yes or no'. There is no such thing as 'grey/maybe/a little bit/errmm....should be.'

God gives clear instruction in everything. You either believe in Him or you don't. You either enter into heaven or you don't. You either follow Jesus or you don't . You either please Him or you don't.

God cannot be mocked. and He says small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. I don't like to use this word 'Christianity' because it sounds like a religion, a set of rules, a world wide association.It sounds limited.

To be a believer means entering into a relationship with God who loves us. It is never complicated at all, it just needs simple faith, as simple as how you will fly on a plane even though u have not seen the pilot's face, because u have a simple faith that the pilot can fly the plane. You, no matter how intelligent, will not question.

I, as a FOOLISH person, have chosen to believe in a simple thing without questioning. Just like it is said in 1 Cor 1:18-25.

I am so foolish and simple,I don't know difficult things, one thing I know is that, when the heaven and earth pass away, Jesus will come to judge the world. My medical degree does not change the eternity. My scientific knowledge does not give me more strength to lift my head before Jesus. Only my relationship with Him counts. And that relationship leads me through the small gate and narrow road to life.

Conclusion, as according to what the world thinks, I am a foolish woman. But I am happily foolish.


Anonymous said...

Hi Siew Wai, Amen to your post.

siew wai said...

Amen! :) praise God for a friend like u Deify, who is steadfast in ur faith!

KongY said...

Read it over 3 times...Its so true...

By faith we are saved. 'Maybe' should never exist in between the lines. Only a Yes or a No.

Amen my sister. Amen.

Ming said...

Hey mate, your writings are getting better. Should think about writing a book... : )


siew wai said...

to Keith:
Amen, brother..Amen. God is good, don't be surprised when i say at times ur maturity and love for God has encouraged me. let us keep growing.

to Ming: yo! must be God la..but there are already too many books out there..dun need me hehe :)

Anonymous said...

"I don't intend to waste my time in any debate. "

Of course not. Especially when you couldn't make a quick foolish convert out of your opponent. Why waste your time, right?

"To be a believer means entering into a relationship with God who loves us. It is never complicated at all, it just needs simple faith, as simple as how you will fly on a plane even though u have not seen the pilot's face, because u have a simple faith that the pilot can fly the plane. You, no matter how intelligent, will not question."

Your faith like your analogy is simple to a fault.
People don't board planes without having paid thousands of dollars, without buying insurance, without checking that it is a reputable airline, without making sure that other passengers have survived their journey with this airline.

ALL THESE FACTORS REASSURE them that the plane will take off and land without problems. It is more than just closing your eyes waving your arms and singing to yourself "I believe I can fly".

I was pushing for you all to re-examine your factors/ or reason for such faith. And you chose to address none of my questions in Ian's blog, all of which has since been deleted by him due to the public embarrassment called Heretic_scribe.

siew wai said...

heretic scribe, just to let u know, this post was not directed toward u, don't be alarmed and don't feel offended. the person whom i mentioned in this post was another person.this happened before i saw Ian's blog. i never intended to step on anyone's toe, if u can read all my posts again, u will find i never mentioned any name or religion. i hope u also respect this.