Friday, July 14, 2006

very good

phew..i think God has healed me. praise Him for His great mercy. i was terrified for a while until i couldnt sit still to write a message that i will be giving on friday. definitely it was an attack from the enemy who was jealous and angry. God's voice in my mind told me to seek first His kingdom. then i prayed and prayed, a few ppl also prayed for me. my faithless heart was filled with strength again.the next morning my eye was miraculously healed :)

we had a rehearsal for praise n worship night just now. i was so thankful and i know the Spirit of God was just flowing in our midst. it was a 4 hr rehearsal, all of them, be it musicians, vocalists, narrators, OHP, PA...were giving their best for God. when it was 11pm, everyone was so exhausted. i wondered if it would be cruel to ask for one more round of practice? but in the end the result was awesome, not because we were good, but with the little bit that each of them could give, God turned it into something beautiful and powerful. i was fully immersed in the songs and lyrics that praised God.

i m so excited abt tomorrow. we are gonna present the story about Jesus with songs and narration : why He came, how He came, His life stories , and the cross, the resurrection etc. we wanted to do live recording and produce a CD for OCF Adelaide so that every new comer will get one in the welcome pack, but due to some technical problems we cant do that anymore. that is actually better, because the focus is not on us, it is on Jesus alone.

ok, shall see what will happen.


Anonymous said...

Would love to see the video one day =) Visit my bloggie when ure free *muaks* Elaine

siew wai said...

yea we did record that...but it doesnt matter la..we do it again some other day.
sure i will :)