Wednesday, October 01, 2008

next year...

I got a job for next year!:)

Don't be surprised that I am so happy.

People generally think that doctors are the very blessed group of profession who do not have to worry about unemployment. Unfortunately it is not that case anymore.

Well...lemme rephrase that, getting a job is easy, but getting something that you really want is another story.

A few months ago I put in my application for a surgical position in another hospital for next year.
Then there was a very long period of waiting. In that period all I was told by various sources was, the surgical positions were very limited and due to a large number of applicants, there was a high chance that I might not be offered the job.

I was very cool about it in the beginning, but as days went by and I'd not heard anything from the hospital, my anxiety level began to increase.

But God has been very good to me. He has not failed to speak the truth to me in my darkest hours. When the enemy tried to tear me down with his lies, God guarded me with His word and promise.

My heart has been burning to be a surgeon. When I close my eyes I dream of operating on the mission field. But how do I get there? It seems so far and impossible. The training is difficult, and to get me in to the training program is in itself a difficult process. How do I do that?

God keeps reassuring me that He has spoken and He will do it. Just believe.


Last Friday.
My friend told me he did not get the job. Oh no! I thought. This is not good for me....:(

He applied for the same position , and he has done so much more preparation than I have. They rang him a week before for a phone interview, yet he was rejected. How about me....I have not even heard anything from them up to then..

I felt my heart was sinking and sinking...I remember I was babbling to God , pleaseeeeee help me... I had no other option but to trust in God.

At about 3pm , half way thru my work, God spoke to me. 'Now go and check your phone.'

I rushed to the office, grabbed my phone, and guess what....

God's timing is always good. I saw a missed call and a voice mail from the hospital. I returned the call, and was told that I was offered the job.I don't even have to go thru any interview.

Oh Lord...I am so grateful for His provision. I've done nothing, I know it is all Him. Even though I am not in the training program yet, but by giving me this job for next year God is showing me that I am on the right track and He will open more doors when the time comes.

How wonderful our Lord is. I wanna sing for Him, I wanna dance for Him. I know that if I become a surgeon, it is He who makes it happen. I have nothing to offer Him, but my inadequacy and weaknesses. I know He loves me. ' The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. ' - Psalm 51:17

More hardships will come in between me and the dreams that God has planted in my heart.

I will not give up. Never.


Anonymous said...

congrats on your job offer! and thanks for writing this post. it really gives me more encouragement to wait for something even better for me (with His right timing) =) ..::liwen::..

siew wai said...


awwwww good that it has encouraged you a lil:) truly must be God. missing you, hope all things are good :)!!! love