Wednesday, October 15, 2008


(My drawing...15/10/2008)

Have u had those moments where suddenly the presence of God is so overwhelming that u can't help but weep?

When He comes like that, you will feel His one gentle touch melts your heart away. All the life that you have lived in the past count for nothing compared to the one face-to-face moment you have with God.

And the world around you spins. All the scenes in the past play in your head like a slideshow running at 10/10 speed. You are again reminded how bad a sinner you were and who saved you from hell.

Who has saved you? He.

And He saved you once, He is still saving you again and again from your everyday battle. His never ending love, grace and mercy know no limits.

I don't understand His love at all. The more I know Him the more I realise I didnt actually understand Him.

I studied a lot into the subject of 'Grace'.

But I've also learned that no one is the best teacher of 'grace' but God Himself. It can't be taught. It can only be experienced. I remember I posted once about this. Once you've tasted grace, you will not forget it.

When He comes to you, He comes with His grace. And He wraps His arms around you....

Hmmm...I had this moment again . Couldn't help it...but ran home and drew this picture. Oh I love You Jesus.


Anonymous said...

u drew the picture urself fuzzy?

love fuzzy

siew wai said...

yea i drew the picture myself.

u know, i miss u so much!

adelaide is so different without u :(