Thursday, March 01, 2007

help me Lord

My heart is torn to thousands of pieces. A very important decision has been made unto my life and I accepted it, because I know it is God's will, it can only be handled this way. There is no other way. God has told me clearly recently.

God's will or my own desire? I hope I have chosen God's. His will is not mine, His thought is higher than mine. I hope I have gone the right path.

Oh God...heal me. plzzz...I can't go on without YOU. My heart is voided. I have given up something for Your sake, out of my obedience to You .Fill the void with Your grace and faith please otherwise I won't make it. I am too weak now.

Plz pray for me, those who love me. I will stop blogging for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey SW, i have not commented much on your blog lately because of my commitments to my family and my loved one. Being Nightsky, you know i care for you a lot and i am always there for you. For me, i do ask you a favor. Be strong and be strong willed because there are bigger challenges in life and you ought to face it wth GOd by your side.

With lots of love