Wednesday, June 28, 2006

my 'water and biscuit' analogy - Part 1

Just the other day I spoke in OCF about what's next after justification and who is He who justifies...a revelation suddenly came to my mind.

Why did God,the King of Kings,Lord of Lords choose to come to the world in such a lowliness and meekness, and made Himself appeared to be weak and vulnerable, prepared to be ignored and rejected by the ones He loves? Why not come by force and aggression?

I found one answer, when God, who is full of love, comes with His love to meet the evil ones, the evil cannot do anything but be fully absorbed by the love of God.

Just like water, it appears to be 'soft',formless,harmless,clear and almost negligible...but when the biscuit, which is so hard , comes and meets the water, the biscuit can't do anything but be completely softened and absorbed by the water. Biscuit can never say to water 'No, you won't be able to dissolve me.'

This is the Gospel of Christ, full of grace and forgiveness. When I understand His heart better and better, I find myself being more willing to obey...Enuf of theology (to be continued)

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