Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Risk taking

It has been a long time since I shared the Gospel with strangers. Friends, yes. They are alright because they know me and my story , so there's not much of risk involved in sharing the gospel with my unsaved friends.

But the last time I evangelised to a stranger was 4-5 months ago, while I was still working in ED. There were plenty of opportunities to minister to my patients.

For some reason, I have stopped doing so.

And it doesnt feel though I have lost the saltiness of salt in the world. Pastor Matt gave a very inspiring sermon on Sunday. Risk taking. Share the gospel to everyone. What do you have to lose? Christ lost his life (willingly) for us, what do we lose if we in turn tell His story of sacrifice?

So I've decided to again take the risk. Can't be a jolly happy Christian and be content in my own salvation and blessings.

Yesterday after work , I brought a small bible to one of my ex-patients who was discharged from ICU. He nearly died of severe lung disease because of chronic smoking. But somehow miraculously he survived and stayed with us for more than 3 weeks on the breathing machine. He has made drastic recovery, now here he is, sitting in the chair on a normal ward.

I brought that lil bible who has been sitting in my bag for ages. I chatted with him briefly...and handed him the bible as a christmas gift. I told him that he survived this time for a greater purpose. God is not done with him...and Christ died for him etcetc.

I noticed a change in his expression as I gave him the bible. He said he would read it . I dunno what else I could say, just prayed in my heart that God would speak to him through His very own Word.

Then today as I was walking to the gym, a young woman caught my sight. She looked sad and weird; her eyes were filled with some form of fear and uncertainty. She was just standing there...waiting for something.

I walked past her. For some reason I kept thinking of her. I kept on walking...but my heart was very unsettled. Hmm....what do I have to lose, just take the risk.

So I turned back. Strangely she also began to walk to where I was (although I am pretty sure she wasn't after me) . I stopped her...and asked if she was ok. She was obviously shocked by the greeting of a stranger...I told her my heart felt strange when I walked past her and just felt like telling her that Jesus loves her.

Her expression changed. I couldnt tell what that expression was about...but at least I know what I spoke carried certain impact.'s not that difficult at all. All I need is just a willing heart and constant prayer. God will use every occasion and opportunity to speak to His ppl through us.


eelainee said...

dear, at least u have the courage to do so.. i think i dunno Him enough to talk about Him.. I felt that He hears me, and hear my prayer.. but i feel kinda embarrassed as i dunno Him deep enough to receive His love..
My fiance's sisters are really really good in Gospel and Christianity.. I really hope that someday i will be good enough to preach the Good News..

Emily Chh said...

Jie... I very proud of you.. You are really an angel sent from God to bless others...:) love you jie...