Thursday, August 28, 2008

these frightened creatures - sheep

This photo was taken in Siew Wai ....more photos on

Why does God refer us as sheep? Because sheep have good economical value and bring huge profit? Or because they mehhhhhh....?

Of course not.

Sheep are a strange type of creatures. Very very strange. If not by God's great plan I think they would have become extinct by now.

They are the most defenceless type of creature. It's not their fault, by nature they are made and born with the inability to protect or defend themselves. They are not the fastest herbivores, in fact I can probably run faster than them. They have no horns that attack or strong legs that kick.

By themselves, they are not fit for survival in the wilderness.

And they are timid. Although born in a huge body, their courage is inversely proportional to their physical size. They are easily terrified and somewhat hysterical. The sight of a stranger even from 50 ft away is enough to create commotion amongst themselves , and then they start to panic , turn around, and ruuunnnnnnn!

Their thick wool predisposes them to growing bugs that's only specific yet lethal to them. Hence regular shearing is not just profitable for the farmers but is also essential to maintain the hygiene of the sheep.

And they lack the ability to sniff out pastures or streams. When they are led to a green pasture , their vision is so narrow that they will just eat and eat and eat the grass that's within their visual fields, and when they have finished eating the grass they stubbornly go on chewing the roots, and, destroy the pasture.

Sheep need their shepherd, or they die.

Stupid and short visioned, weak and fearful as they are, they recognise their shepherd's voice.

They go where the shepherd leads, they stupidly trust their shepherd.

The shepherd leads them to a safe place, sometimes up to the hills and down to the valleys just to bring them to a better, greener pasture. And in the process of traveling to the green pasture, some weaker sheep might fall, sometimes they legs get trapped between rocks , and they bleat. The shepherd will carry the weak sheep on his shoulder.

The shepherd watches over them, the shepherd casts his eye on each one of them and counts them. The shepherd casts his vision on the horizon, he looks out for any trace of possible threat.

The shepherd leads his flock to the quiet streams. It has to be quiet streams because large rivers with splashing water are too frightening to the poor timid sheep.

You know what is the most interesting observation?

Sheep are stupid, weak, defenceless, timid, faithless, prone to diseases, and they exhaust the pastures. They need constant attention and tender care.

But does the shepherd know about this?

I m sure he does.

He has to have real love for the sheep in order to be a good shepherd, and he does that because he owns the sheep. Hired hands care nothing about the sheep.

Oh I am so humbled by this. Who do I think I am? I am but sheep, weak and faithless.

My Lord Jesus is my shepherd. The Good Shepherd, and I know His voice.

My paparazzi business

By Siew Wai. Click

Monday, August 11, 2008


(This photo was taken in Port Fairy , Victoria )

So.... I've met this wonderful guy. I am not a story telling person. Perhaps this photo of convergent lines tells this story better. And it feels like this.

Sounds mushy but it feels as though I've been waiting for this man for my entire life.

I've never believed I could love and beloved like this.

I've never believed I can understand someone and be understood like this.

I've never believed someone can know and read the complexity of me better than I can do to myself.

I've never believed 2 is better than 1.

I've never believed having a life companion would not be a stumbling block to my relationship with God and service for Him.

I've never believed ....such person exists.

I wanted absolute concentration for God and myself. I am a weird person anyway.

I yelled out loud to the world, leave me alone, Do NOT come any closer. Stay where you are.

I do not wanna be read , do not even try to undestand me for you can never do it. No one can. I am happy to be by myself, I don't need anyone to make me happy and complete. I am focused. Life is about me and my God. Loneliness is my defence.

I stand in a crowd watching everyone. I am a photographer, I am in the crowd but I never wanna be part of it, therefore I am a photographer; I capture the emotions of people so that no one can capture mine. I reach out to ppl proactively so that no one will reach out to me .

I told him, dont come near me. I am a missionary. I wil go to the ends of the earth for my God. Leave me alone and undistracted.

'Don't call me. I don't wanna see you. I am scared and I am running. ' ...I said this to him numerous times, even though deep down inside I knew I was already attracted to this man who fears no resistance.

It wasn't even my intention to try or test him. I was genuinely resistant to having changes in my life. What's wrong about being a hermit? Why subject myself to unnecessary hurt and hardships?

And I've made my declaration to God and the world, I wanna be single for God, not cut out to have relationship.

But this silly man is also a clever man. He reads and analyses me. He advances and then stops,he throws questions at me and waits for my response. Each time when he does that, I see myself pulling down one layer of my guard.

'What do I really want for myself, what's holding me back if I am dearly attracted to him?'

Suddenly I wasn't sure anymore. God began to use him to reveal to me the issues that I did not even dare to address.

This man said 'You promised the world that you'd remain single and you hold on to your promise, but who will remember what you once said? When every audience has moved on in life, all that you have is you and your echo in an empty stadium. '

Clever man, clever choice of words, clever observation.

Suddenly I heard loud noise of huge thick walls shattering into dust. No more castle.

Lemon princess looks around , and she sees blue sky, green pasture, flocks of sheep and cows, and her jester knight standing, smiling, waiting.

And I found myself putting my hand in his, my head on his shoulder, and whispering to him,
yes I love you.

Yes, 2 is better than 1. Finally I admit.

(photo taken in Port Fairy, Victoria )

Friday, August 08, 2008

back yes i am back

Victor Harbour....connect group .... click

What an overwhelming month.

Holiday in Sydney was great.

Melbourne trip was life changing. Why? Allow me to expand on that later:) ehem....

Yiheyis has had his liver transplant. My heart leaps and rejoices along with the rest, God is great and faithful aint He. We shall all sign up for organ transplant.

Emergency rotation was over. Remember I was so devastated when they shafted me there instead of my surgical rotation? Indeed God knows the best , He never makes mistakes.

And then...I am so proud to be a Chinese.

and...I shall post more regularly :)

( Victor Harbour