I forget that by His Word, the world was formed. I forget that He is all powerful. My earthly flesh and its sinful nature has blinded my eyes and clouded my thoughts.
I forget that He has thought about me even before I was conceived.
I forget that He was the great architect and designer of my inmost being.
I forget that He fearfully and wonderfully knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I forget that He has loved me with an everlasting love, the agape love that no one can fathom.
I forget that long ago, He already planned to send His one and only Son Jesus Christ to come and die for the sin of the whole world.
I forget the love of my Lord Jesus for me.
I forget the sufferings and pain that He had to go through for my sin. Pain and humiliation that He did not deserve.
I forget that I was among those who nailed Him on the cross.
I forget that the cross is not the end of the story.
I forget that the Father has the power to resurrect the Lord Jesus, and the same power that resurrected Jesus is now in me. I forget about that very very often.
I forget that the Lord has died once and for all.
I forget that Christ has already overcome sin and death.
I forget that my sins have been atoned for and I am now a new being in Christ.
I forget that the same God who created the world, who resurrected Christ, who has forgiven my sin and who has called me into His very presence is the same God who loves me very very very very much and knows His perfect plans for my life.
I forget that the King of kings and Lord of lords is also my lover.
And sometimes I forget that even when I forget, He is still there , waiting patiently for me to realise that I have forgotten about all this. And when I am reminded of His grace for me, He lets me run straight into His open arms.