Sunday, April 12, 2009

my decision

I love my job, I love to do what I am doing and love to envisage what I will possibly do in future in my medical career. But have you sometimes come to a place where you feel there is still far too wide a gap from your point A now to your point B in future. I am in this stage. There is an outcry in my heart, I wanna move forward and take ground forcefully, but something is being obstructive here. And I can't advance because of certain circumstances.

The self pity voice cries in my heart, and the distance from my point A now to the future point B seems to be amplified by this.

And I love my job yet I dread going to work. I can hardly recollect any days in my career that I dreaded going to work.

Then God spoke to me again in the midst of chaos.

'Worship is not an option but it is a deliberate decision you have to make.'

Hmm... sometimes we forget that worship is a deliberate decision. We get carried away by the things in the world, our emotions, our ups and downs etc. We let our circumstances determine our reactions.

A change in perspective will make a sharp upturn.

And so, I surrender my burden to You, and I know that You will come to my rescue.

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